Personal work documenting my friends and danish Hardcore band, Halshug.
On June 14th, 2018, Halshug played at Underwerket in Copenhagen as a part of the warm-up days for K-town fest, the following weekend. This was my first Halshug show.
At this point, we’re 5 years into Halshugs run as one of the most ominant punk/hardcore bands to come out of Scandinavia. Copenhagen to be specific. 2 EP’s, 2 records and +100 shows - taking them from home grounds in the north, all over Europe, Russia and to the motherland of punk, USA.
This show, at Underwerket, was the first time I went to see my best friend and drummer Mads play with his brothers in arms, Mathias and Jacob. Up until this point, with nothing but respect for what they were doing, their music never got to me. I didn’t get it.
It was nothing but fucking loud noise and screaming lyrics - that I didn’t understand a word of, eventhough they supposedly were in Danish.
On this night everything changed, for me at least. It was not only my first Halshug show, but my first ever punk show in general.
I brought my camcorder, point-and-shoot film camera and watched the show from the stage while trying to capture some moments from the packed basement at Underwerket.
The handful of photos I got that night, ended up being the beginning of my time with Halshug, which at the same time was the beginning of the end, for Halshug as a band.
But before everything came to an end, I was fortunate to spend 1,5 years with my friends following them through the recording phases of their last album “Dream”, shooting the cover and be on the road with them on 3 tours, ending in the US - where things didn’t go as planned and for long and more seemed like a bad dream.
Mathias, Jakob and Mads trusted me and allowed me to get close, real close - in good and bad times. It gave me the opportunity to go places, see places and meet people I never would have, if not for them. It kicked off my interest in punk music, the punk scene and most importantly for me: in photography.
Even though this was the end, for Halshug, it ended up being the beginning for me, as a photographer and I can’t thank the guys enough. I’ll forever be grateful for the opportunity you gave me.